Friday, March 28, 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a list of answers to questions we have received from other Spanish language students that have attended our school.  Don't find the answer to your question?  Email it to us using the form at the bottom of this page.

When do I pay for your classes?
How do I get a seat reserved in your classes?
What is your refund policy?
What is all about?
When can I start a course?
What are the different levels of courses and how do I know which one I should be in?
Are you an accredited Spanish School?
What are your teacher's credentials?
Can you offer credit for my college or university?
Can you provide references?
Do I need a Visa to Study Spanish in Mexico City?
Can your Spanish school provide me with a student visa?

When do I pay for your classes?
You don't have to pay for classes until you get here, check out our school and decide that you like the place.  We don't agree with the practice of requiring students to pay for classes in a school before they see it in person, in order to lock them into attending the school.  We want you to enjoy your time here with us, and we are confident that once you see the school, you will be ready to join in and Learn Spanish!
The obvious exception to this payment policy is that if you elect to use our Airport pickup or Housing services, payment will be due at the time of your arrival.

How do I get a seat reserved in your classes?
Easy, just use our course enrollment tool on the Courses and Pricing page, specifying the course type, length and start date that you want.

What is your refund policy?
Refunds for classes pre-paid at the time of enrollment but not yet realized, meaning the dates for these classes have not yet occurred, will be considered by the School Administration on a case by case basis. There are no refunds for classes paid for but not attended by the student.

What is all about?
We are dedicated to providing information about our school and our city to people interested in learning Spanish in Mexico City. We are not a travel agency, though we may offer our students information on air travel, or if requested, hotel information. We operate independently from our Spanish school in Mexico City. We do not offer services from multiple schools in Mexico City or beyond, just one. Other than an inscription fee, we do not charge our students for the services of

When can I start a course?
Start dates are using on Mondays, and are listed on the Courses and Pricing page.

What are the different levels of courses and how do I know which one I should be in?
We offer 6 levels of grammar and conversation classes, ranging from absolute beginner Spanish to Advanced-level grammar concepts and practices.
On your first day of class, we will consult with you on your previous Spanish studies, and ask you to take a short placement test. We'll use this information to help place you with students at the same level of Spanish as yourself.
Of course, after attending a class, you feel you need to be in a higher or lower level of class, we can usually make changes.

Are you an accredited Spanish School?
Our school is an accredited by the Secretariat of Public Education of the Mexican Government. We issue official documents and diplomas upon completion of our courses.

What are your teacher's credentials?
All of our teachers are licensed instructors by the Secretariat of Public Education. Additionally, many of our teachers have degrees in teaching or communications from Mexican universities. All of our teachers are native to Mexico and average 7 years of teaching Spanish as a second language.

Can you offer credit for my college or university?
We currently do not issue credits to any universities or colleges.

Can you provide references?
Student references are available on request. As a policy, we only provide corporate references to other corporate clients.

Do I need a Visa to Study Spanish in Mexico City?
Most of our foreign students do not need any special entrance visa to visit Mexico, including including The United States, Canada, Japan, South Korea and most of Europe.  These countries will be issued a Tourist Visa upon entry to Mexico, which will be valid for studying Spanish.

The Mexico Secretary of Immigration has list of countries whose citizens currently do not need a special entrance visa prior to entering Mexico to study Spanish, which can be found here (English): Countries That Do Not Need Entrance Visas

Can your Spanish school provide me with a student visa?
Our policy is that if a student currently taking classes at our school wishes to convert their temporary or tourist visa to a a student visa, then we will work with the student to accomplish this.  The cost for the application is generally around $40 USD, paid to the Immigration office.

We do not work with individuals looking to obtain documentation from Mexican schools in order to obtain a student visa to enter Mexico.

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