Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Leonora Carrington Sculpture Exhibit

Paseo Reforma in Chapultepec Park


Where: On the Boulevard on Reforma Avenue near the entrances to the Anthropology Museum and the Auditorio Nacional.


Cost: Free


Time Involved: 1-2 hours


Hours Open: The sculptures are open to the public and are accessible at any time.


How to Get There: Take any bus on Reforma destined to Auditorio and get off near the Anthropological Museum or the Museum of Modern Art, or Metro Station Auditorio


As part of the City’s effort to provide access to art and Mexican history, a collection of bronze sculptures by famed surrealist artist and sculptor Leonora Carrington are currently on display in the boulevard on Paseo Reforma, between the Museum of Modern art and the Anthropology Museum.  Carrington, born in England in 1917, left Europe during World War II, and relocated to Mexico City.  She currently spends her time in Mexico and New York.  Carrington is one of the premier modern surrealist artists and is considered an adopted member of the Mexican art family.


Put on display in February, 2008, the sculptures on display are part of a collection made between 1994 and 2007.  More than 15 pieces in total, the subject matter ranges from comical to the nightmarish, with a demonic oven thrown in for good measure.  The display is expected to be open through October, 2008. 


carrington sculpture reforma aveTo get there, take the Metro Linea 7 to the Auditorio station and then walk the equivalent of 2-3 blocks East until you encounter a sculpture of a very large man holding an even larger sea creature over his head.  You can also take any bus heading West on Reforma that is destined for Auditorio.  This will take you right past the sculptures, so be sure to get off at the Museo de Antropologia.


Once you see the large fish-man sculpture, take the crosswalk to the center boulevard.  There, take a rest on the bench sculpture and watch the people crossing Reforma, going to and from the Park, or keep going down the aisle of sculptures.  At the end, take the next crosswalk to the North side of Reforma (turn left) and head back down the sidewalk and check out the display of Carrington’s other works, surrealist paintings, and history. 


This will take you back to the entrance to the Museo de Antropologia.  On weekends, vendors will be outside selling trinkets or snacks.  While in the area, check out the Anthropology Museum or the other parts of Chapultepec Park.  Or, for more Carrington art, visit the Museum of Modern Art.

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